Sing and Play in English with Theatraverse
Come and play with us in English!
These sessions are for children in Middle Section only and their accompanying adults: we’ll sing, dance, share stories, play theater games and introduce you to some Anglophone playground games too. Workshops led alternately by Joanne (a theater practitioner and Mummy from the UK), and Christine (a theater practitioner and Mommy from the US).
How are English workshops for children organized?
The English workshops take place in groups of 12 pairs maximum: 1 adult, 1 child.
The workshops take place from 3 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. on some Sundays at the Maison de la Famille de Courbevoie.
If you have any questions, send us an email on contact (at) Or by SMS in private message via the APSEF information whatsapp group.
How much does it cost ?
The price for the year is €200 for the whole family, broken down as follows:
- 185 euros for 20 sessions
- 10 euros membership to APSEF for the year 2023 (if you are not yet a member)
- 5 euros to renew APSEF membership (preferential rate) to be carried out between December and January for the year 2024
Possibility of subscribing to a trial session only on September 17 at the price of 20 euros. The balance (if registration is maintained) will be due before the session on September 24.